Tales of symphonia chronicles figurine trophy
Tales of symphonia chronicles figurine trophy

tales of symphonia chronicles figurine trophy

Well after 60 hours or so I'm here watching the cutscenes, and some tears do escape my eyes. Let's just say I lost my patience early on leading me to actually ignore the option to watch these dialogues. In the time I've read the sentence I gotta wait like 3 seconds for each line of dialogue. A big issue being my lack of interest in the plot of the game and even the characters most of the time, but also that you couldn't fast forward these events, and they are not even voiced! Meaning that animation will play with the mouth of a character moving, but no sound comes. Now, to be honest, I actually didn't watch too many of them. From what I've heard it's the little intermediary special dialogue "cutscenes" that frequently happens in the game that really gives the characters their depth. For me personally, that is a bit frustrating as I kinda after 30 hours or so, reaching a clear sunken ship cost fallacy, kind of just wanted to finish it. I literally thought the game would end at 5 vastly different points in the game. The plot just keeps expanding and the under title for the game might just as well have been Tales Of Symphonia: Plottwist Simulator. However, I feel like the enemy design is looping an awful lot and the designs are just so incredibly incoherent it's at times laughable. I found it comfortable to grind in a flowy manner and truly enjoyed the battle system and mechanics. I did truly enjoy the gameplay most of all I believe.

tales of symphonia chronicles figurine trophy

Also, we must consider that the game has a couple of years on the backburner. But even though with these standards it's easy to sort of laugh it off.

tales of symphonia chronicles figurine trophy

Sure, the animations are awkward, the English dialogue cringeworthy beyond JRPG standards, and the enemy designs made by unpaid interns. The whole game feels so crafted with love, the creators' passion shining through in many places. But this one sort of manages to pull it off in such a charming way. And I feel like it's safe to say that this one also feels kindy. And I remember that game being all kinds of awkward. So, how does it play in 2021? Well, in a matter of fact the only Tales of entry I played prior to this experience was the sequel, Dawn of the new world released way back for the Nintendo Wii. The first installment in the Tales of series. And this is where it sort of all took off.

Tales of symphonia chronicles figurine trophy